Time Management Tips for College Students

January 30, 2022
young woman biting a pencil while studying on her laptop

College is all about juggling your time. It always feels like you don’t have enough time unless you learn how to manage it. Now, before you sit down and tackle your mountain of homework, you need to figure out how to do this. With that said, here are some of the best time management tips for college students that you can start with.

Block Your Courses

It’s not a great idea to scatter your courses, thinking that long off-hours can get you some studying. Long hours between classes are more likely to end up with you scrolling on your phone the entire time. Grouping your courses in blocks of time big enough for dedicated studying can help you get more things done. If you can, you can also group them on only the first three days of the week, leaving you the rest for studying.

Determine Your Time Wasters

At this age, college students are surrounded by time wasters. A perfect example is your phone. It’s so easy to get distracted, which makes it vital to know what draws your focus from your studies. Pay attention and be honest about whether you spend a lot of time checking your social media. Do you tend to answer texts and calls while studying? Other things that likely distract you include the internet, TV, workout, hobbies, and sometimes even friends.

Set Goals

Now that you’ve identified your time wasters, the next step in this list of tips for managing time in college is to set a goal. Specifically, your aim should be to avoid engaging in any of those activities while studying. This is where you need discipline and determination to focus solely on studying at the time dedicated to it. Changing your view can help you avoid doing any of your time wasters. You can use them instead as a reward for concentrating on your assignments and accomplishing your tasks.

Create a Study Plan

Now the studying part itself: How can you conquer five classes and more in a day? You can do it by devising a plan. Right on the first day of class, take note of your schedule. It also helps to enter your assignments into a calendar, whether print or electronic. This gives you an overview of all the tasks you need to do. With the information available to you, make a plan or a to-do list of the tasks you need to prioritize.

Establish Routines

The last of these tips for time management in college involves establishing a routine, which should help you accomplish your tasks. Start with knowing the time of day when you can study better, whether it’s early morning, the dead of night, or the middle of the day. You will want to make that a habit, especially if you’re more productive around that time. Once you have a routine to follow, it will be easier to get started on your assignments.


These are only five of the many time management tips for busy college students you can try. If you search online, you can find more tried and tested tips from other college students, teachers, and professionals who had a hard time studying as well. Find these tips, and you can master college in no time.

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